Smart Crop

Image crop or cropping refers to the removal of the outer parts of an image to improve framing, accentuate subject matter or change aspect ratio.

Basic Crop

Grafika accepts the following crop position:


Given this input image and the code below:

// ...

$input = 'crop-test.jpg';

// Top
$editor->open( $image, $input );
$editor->crop( $image, 260, 150, 'top-left' );
$editor->save( $image, 'testCrop1.jpg' );
$editor->free( $image );

$editor->open( $image, $input );
$editor->crop( $image, 260, 150, 'top-center' );
$editor->save( $image, 'testCrop2.jpg' );
$editor->free( $image );

$editor->open( $image, $input );
$editor->crop( $image, 260, 150, 'top-right' );
$editor->save( $image, 'testCrop3.jpg' );
$editor->free( $image );

// Middle row
$editor->open( $image, $input );
$editor->crop( $image, 260, 150, 'center-left' );
$editor->save( $image, 'testCrop4.jpg' );
$editor->free( $image );

$editor->open( $image, $input );
$editor->crop( $image, 260, 150, 'center' );
$editor->save( $image, 'testCrop5.jpg' );
$editor->free( $image );

$editor->open( $image, $input );
$editor->crop( $image, 260, 150, 'center-right' );
$editor->save( $image, 'testCrop6.jpg' );
$editor->free( $image );

// Bottom row
$editor->open( $image, $input );
$editor->crop( $image, 260, 150, 'bottom-left' );
$editor->save( $image, 'testCrop7.jpg' );
$editor->free( $image );

$editor->open( $image, $input );
$editor->crop( $image, 260, 150, 'bottom-center' );
$editor->save( $image, 'testCrop8.jpg' );
$editor->free( $image );

$editor->open( $image, $input );
$editor->crop( $image, 260, 150, 'bottom-right' );
$editor->save( $image, 'testCrop9.jpg' );
$editor->free( $image );

The above code would look like this if arranged in a 3x3 grid:

crop crop crop
crop crop crop
crop crop crop
Smart Crop

Grafika can also do smart cropping wherein it decides the crop position with the important regions of the images preserved.

$editor->open( $image, $input );
$editor->crop( $image, 200, 200, 'smart' );
$editor->save( $image, 'output.jpg' );
Type Image Result
Face face face
Tower tower tower

Note: This feature is currently experimental and will be continuously improve in future releases.

See the crop API for more info.